December 30, 2004

farewell to year 2004...

it has been a year of God's grace and blessings for me in year 2004...

working full-time in a christian organisation... serving as ACM praise team (even though as a "trainee")... having group singing lessons with steven yip (with relatively little cash)... going through different challenges and difficult time in life (may not handle things well, but i am being loved by many b/s)... PLUS my church's first-ever pop music EM (we had a great team, led by GOD!)... my first-ever trips to TW (x2) and GZ (x3)... my first-ever experiencing earthquake (even though i didn't feel it at all)... many, many, many other things happened and i must have to give thanks to GOD...

i hope that urs would also be a great and enjoyable one... if not, let's look ahead for a brand new start in year 2005... coming in just 47 hours and some 20 minutes...

December 22, 2004


again... almost forget that i have a blog... well... #_#

life is full of tension... but thx God that i'm still alive... hallelujah... yes, in case u once thought that i was disappeared (or being taken)? hehe... hopefully and unfortunately... i'm back...

wishing u an early merry christmas... and a happy year 2005...