June 20, 2005

my trip to yunnan...

what a wonderful trip... our group has only 11 ppl... all are nice and funny...

yunnan is great... with nice scenary... i have taken quite some 600 pictures... here are the online albums to share... pls enjoy...

Yunnan 8-day tour (2005.06.11-18)

June 09, 2005

turns 27...

finally turns 27 today...
an year closer to 30... //sigh... hahaha...

happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday, happy birthday~~~
happy birthday to me!

thx God for His 4ever guidance and providance...

June 04, 2005

a surprise b'day party...

yes... it is supposed to be a surprise party for me... eventually it doesn't work out... somehow, the surprise party is being de-surprised... i'm such a good detective... =p

thank you for all the brothers and sisters... chris, cow the angel, vicky, siuwai, shirley, jaiphen, ar yin, alice, edith, puikit (danny), vincent, angel, laihar, david, mr & mrs chan, mr & mrs mak... and those, for whatever reason, couldn't join us tonite...

thank you for your b'day gift... it is so touching... ~~>_<~~~~ once again, thannnnnnkk yooooooouuuu (x 1,000 times) !!!

em... btw, this friday will be my last day @ CCCon...