December 26, 2005

christmas is a time for movies...

christmas is a time for movies...

1. perhaps love...
2. chicken little...

{maybe} TO DO (?!)
1. king kong...
2. harry potter IV...
3. merry christmas...

any suggestion?

bel is back...

bel is now in town... not in ottawa... not in montreal... but in hong kong again... second time in this year... she just arrived tonite... safely, in one piece... thx God...

so, it's time for us to have party again, again and again... yeah~~~!!!

December 19, 2005

NO service on Christmas sunday...

yes... i'm talking about sunday service, sunday worship @ church...

NO service on Christmas sunday, becoz it is a family day - this idea comes from the Willow Creek Community Church in chicago, one famous megachurch in US... but it is totally unacceptable to me...

just read the article... Some megachurches closing on Christmas

#@%#$^&#$^%#$^&&~~~!!! //sigh...

December 08, 2005

月光光 [the bright, bright moon]...

i don't listen much to boyz or kenny... but this one, the lyrics, is written by my best friend... so wanna share with u...


月光光 (Radio Mix) - 關智斌

愛說也最愛笑 做架小小的飛機很想一飛沖天
我最愛陣雨裡 看雨水沾濕透身邊
漆黑中 驚慌中 聽媽媽輕輕細唱 
月光光 照地堂 快樂童年時光每刻也在迴響 我心窩
月光光 照地堂 我在回味著舊時狀況 如何翻播 昨日再看

你與我也有說過 夢想終於可以一天真的一飛沖天
每次我若碰了你 也會輕輕撫我的肩
孤單中 深宵中 風吹起一曲童謠
月光光 照地堂 快樂童年時光每刻也在回響 我心窩
月光光 照地堂 我在回味著舊時做過 如何返得 昨日再看

腦內再響起這童謠 又緬懷 當天
月光光 照地堂 快樂童年時光每刻也在回響 我心窩
月光光 照地堂 我在回味著舊時做過 如何返得 昨日再看

只有再回望 想再回去一趟

December 06, 2005

nite tour @ cu...

it sounds a bit crazy but... petrus & i were taking photos with carter at cu campus last nite... it was 10:30, 10:30 at nite... carter was wearing his graduation gown... we were celebrating his graduation from the bible seminary... BUT who will take photos in such a late nite @ cu? here we are - the three fools... =p

it has been quite a while since my last visit to the cu campus (expect a few times for friend's wedding)... we visited many places and recalled me quite some memories... the main campus, the u-lib, NA/UC campus... the whole campus changes a lot... it looks like more "modern" and beautiful(?!), but less "classic"...

after the photo-taking session, we continued our nite fever - having dessert in taipo... haha...

soooooo mucccchhhhh fuuuunnnnnn~~~!!! hahaheeeee...

December 03, 2005


today i took the CRE - Common Recruitment Examination... this is part of the recruitment process for applying some civic service posts in hongkong... but also kind of benchmark of ur language & reasoning abilities... the three papers are aptitude test, use of chinese, and use of english...

i did take the exam in spring 2002... and got passes in all three papers... since the results only valid for three years (?)... so i have to retake the exam... just wonder if i could pass this time... =p em... will receive notification in a month's time...